Ring Displays


This is a fun and inexpensive way to display your rings! You can also use wild rice, white rice, or small pebbles. I do not recommend using sand - it's too messy! Lean Dog Pottery's dispaly makes it easy for the buyer to pick up the rings and try them on and put them back easily. The dark background of the beans really allow the rings to stand out, adding lovely colors and texture to the eye! If you're rings are on the darker side, I would use a contrasting color like white rice.


  1. I like this display very much - it doesn't take away anything from the jewelry. Nice!

  2. i love the shape of the tray. Very unique.

  3. Great idea! I like this one, and may use it in the future, once I have rings to sell!

  4. thats a really good idea i may have to try that!

  5. I am so happy I found this...I have been googling for nearly an hour trying to figure out if white rice would tarnish rings. I saw it used in a boutique in New Orleans and thought it looked great. Now, I am about to open a store and was concerned that my rings may turn if left in the rice too long. My rings are not sterling silver, they are just fun costume rings that I'm selling for approx $15. Some I will admit have even turned my finger a faint green after wearing it a while. I am worried the rice might destroy these rings since they are not sterling. Let me know what you think. You are the only place on the net that I have found so far on this. But I want to do it because it looks amazing!!!


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