Queen Puff Puff has done a great job displaying their handbags! I love how they have the bags hanging off the table and on the table, but not setting on the table. Another thing that's great is the display of a model wearing the product. This is great advertising and a fun way to show how the product would look on someone!
wow, your blog is so pretty! I have done a couple shows and have proven to be pretty good, considering they were pretty small. I have one coming up in October too!
ReplyDeleteHere is my shop
I love your blog. I haven't done any craft shows yet, but I am planning on trying at least one in the spring. Her on Loing Island there are hundreds of them in the warm weather months. Your info is going to be invaluable.
ReplyDeleteOff to get some stocking hangers to help display bags at my next show, thanks for the great idea.